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Get inspired by matcher

Welcome to 
MATCHER - the app
to find what
to watch 

Use Matcher app to effortlessly discover movie suggestions, dinner ideas, activities, holiday destinations, and baby names.

Download the app and swipe to find your ideal match!"

Matcher game It's a match!


Download the "MATCHER - swipe till you find" app

You can easily find "Matcher - swipe till you find app" in your store, it's available in both Google Play and App Store platforms.

App store matcher
Matcher game Categories

Choose category

We've categorized options for every occasion, ensuring you never get bored or struggle to decide.


Whether it's picking a movie or planning a weekend getaway, Matcher makes decision-making enjoyable!

3. Create the game
and add your friends

Make a game, add friends, and swipe for matches!

Keep swiping to continue matching or finish the game to see your results.

You can also swipe solo for fun ideas!

Matcher game It's a match
Matcher game It's a match!

4. Swipe until you find 

It's a match!


Press "Keep swiping" to continue the game. 


Press "See results" to end the game and check all your matches.


3k+ cards


users per game

Matcher - swipe till you find

Download Matcher to start swiping and finding movies and shows to watch.

Matcher home page and match
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